About Bernedoodles

Bernedoodles are the wonderful mix of a Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle. Together they produce beautiful, low shedding dogs of different sizes and color patterns. We have found them to be intelligent, tenderhearted, loyal, often a little goofy, and highly social. They are gentle, and great with children.

We raise our pups with a lot of love and attention both to what they need to be healthy and well socialized. We health test all of our breeding dogs for their hips, elbows, and eyes. We pay careful attention to genetics and temperament while raising them in a clean environment.


Bernedoodles come in many different colors, patterns and sizes.
”Tri-Colored” is often much like the pattern of the BMD, with variations.

Black, Rusty-Brown and White
Abstract - Black and White
Phantom- Black and Rusty-Brown

Coats can range from Straight, Fleece (Wavy), Wool (Curly)


Bernese Mountain Dogs, or "Berners" are generally large dogs, and Poodles come in a variety of sizes and weights. Together they produce a range of different sizes and builds.

Standard - Height : 22 inches or more at the shoulder, weight- generally 60 lbs and up
Medium - Height 17-21 inches to the shoulder, weight usually 35-60 lbs
Mini - Height: 14-16 inches to the shoulder, weight usually below 35 lbs.

**please note that the above sizes and weights of our puppies when fully grown are based on the average weights of the dam and sire. These are our best educated guesses. There are NO guarantees when it comes to sizes.